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Calming anxiety & ​over-excitement in ​dogs and horses

Easily strengthen the connection between you and ​your animal, to help them be calm and peaceful in any ​scenario, by receiving a 1-to-1 bespoke consultation.

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07879 491864

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Photos of dog and cat with client quote: The idea I feel I can understand my dog more in one session than I have in the years I have owned him is remarkable!


Quote from Kristy at the ​end of our first session


Extract from Whatsapp ​conversation with ​Kristy, just 2 days after ​our first session!

Customer quote: I really wish more people knew about this method, I've never came across anything like what you do. Its not even training, it's made me think in a whole different manner and it's literally like learning of a new secret power.


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Are you a dog/horse parent with an anxious or ​over-excited pet?

Do you feel frustrated with the challenge of trying to ​help them, or feel helpless in not being able to fully ​understand their anxiety?

  • Are you feeling worried or stressed at the thought of ​walking your dog because you constantly have to ​avoid other dogs/people?

  • Exhausted from your dog pulling on the lead all the ​time?

  • Are you seeing signs of stress when you have to leave ​your dog?

  • Is your horse spooking a lot, won’t settle in their ​stable, fidgety or reluctant to be caught?

  • Fidgety when being groomed, rugged or scared of ​spray bottles?
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Would you like to be able to calm your animal in these ​scenarios?

Do you want to learn how you can assist your animal ​family member and ultimately help them through their ​anxieties so they no longer feel like this?

Would it be great to learn a technique that you can utilise ​in any situation and with your other pets?

If so, I can help!

As a Trust Technique Practitioner I can teach you how to ​enhance your relationship with your dog or horse, building ​trust and confidence within them.

You will develop better communication and be able to ​take them from anxious/stressed/over-excited to calm and ​peaceful.

My priorities as a practitioner are your animal’s needs and ​providing you with all the support you need to help them.

Read on to find out more and to see more client quotes.

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About The Trust Technique

The Trust Technique is a gentle method that works with all ​animals. It helps to build trust and confidence within the ​animal. Just as importantly, the trust and bond between ​animal and human becomes stronger, leading to a deeper ​connection between them.

By assisting an animal and their human to become peaceful in ​many situations, the relationship between them can be ​deepened, allowing easier and better communication.

Animals like to please us and will willingly do whatever is being ​asked of them, providing they are physically able to do so, ​aren't afraid and understand the request. In return, if we can ​more easily recognise their wants and needs, we can respond ​to these more readily, avoiding potential frustration, upset or ​disappointment arising on either side.

The Trust Technique can be used as a standalone approach as ​well as alongside therapy or animal teaching methods.

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Why choose ZenDeLou?

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Fully qualified and insured.

Passionate about helping as ​many animals as I can.

I’m a member of the Trust ​Technique Association

I am fully committed to ​supporting you

I’m a member of the ​International Institute of ​Complementary Therapists

ICO registered

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I have been using the Trust Technique since mid 2020 and ​prior to that have many years experience with a variety of ​animals.

It brings me great joy to see both animals and their humans ​experiencing the benefits of this method, such as peace of ​mind, enhanced shared experiences and so much more.

I'm committed to being the best I can be, to enable me to ​help as many animals and their humans as I can.

I continue to research, learn and train in as many ways as I ​am able to, with in-depth reading, taking part in webinars, ​courses and obtaining further qualifications in this field.

Please note that I adhere to the veterinary surgeons act so ​am unable to provide a diagnosis for medical issues.

However, if you would like me to, I am happy to discuss any ​medical issues with your vet and how the Trust Technique ​could complement the treatment or medication that your ​animal is receiving.

I do what I do because I love it and fully believe in the ​transformation I can help you achieve with your animal.

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Client Comments

“I was looking for help to teach ​myself and my daughter to catch ​our horse who really didn't want ​to be caught and could at times ​charge at us.

We also had some issues with ​picking his feet up to clean them.

Lou taught us the Trust ​Technique and how to use it to ​overcome these issues.

He will now catch with ease and ​pick his feet up for us with no ​bother.

I cannot speak highly enough for ​the support and techniques she ​has taught us, that have ​completely changed his behaviour ​for the better.

I would highly recommend her ​services”.

G Short

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Client Comments

"I feel like Lou has ​given me the key ​to the magical ​door to better ​and more loving ​communication ​with our sweet ​dog Jo"

A Hobbs

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Client Comments

“The idea I feel I can ​understand my dog more ​in one session than I have ​in the years I have owned ​him is remarkable!”


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Most ​Popular


Trust Technique

VIP Package

Trust Technique

Standard Package

  • 15min pre-consultation call
  • 2 hour consultation
  • Follow up call
  • Two 40-60min follow up sessions
  • Customer pack
  • Weekly telephone support between ​sessions



Trust Technique

Basic Consultation

Most suited for those

that require extra help

Most suited for

cats and small animals

Most suited for

dogs and horses

  • 15min pre-consultation call
  • 2 hour consultation
  • Follow up call
  • Five 40-60min follow up sessions
  • Customer pack
  • Unlimited telephone support ​between sessions
  • Two healing sessions for your ​animal or you
  • 15min pre-consultation call
  • 1 hour consultation
  • Follow up call

Additional Follow up sessions can be added to these packages. ​£60 per session. Discounts available for block booking.

Travel costs may apply outside of local area. Please contact me with your postal area for a quote.

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Client Comments

"Arthur is now more ​peaceful being alone ​and I also feel more ​peaceful leaving him. ​It has taken stress off ​my agenda as I can ​plan being out without ​him and I know he is ok ​at home. Thank you"

N Lazzarotto

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Consultation Format

  • Assessment of your animal

  • Teaching you about the Trust Technique

  • Initial work with your animal

  • Teaching you how to do the Trust Technique

  • Guided use of the Technique with your animal

  • Creation of next steps plan

A consultation will start with a free of charge, no obligation, pre-​assessment conversation (usually by phone).

The 15min call allows us to discuss any issues you are ​experiencing with your animal, to run through a risk assessment ​and to work out the best time for a session, suitable for your ​animal as well as yourself.

This ensures any session will be safe for all parties involved and ​conducive for the Trust Technique.

The consultation itself will usually take around 90mins to 2 ​hours.

I will assess your animal in their own environment and we will ​discuss in more detail any issues you and your animal may be ​having.

I will explain the Trust Technique in relation to how it can help ​with these issues, followed by a demonstration with your ​animal.

The demonstration will allow me to assess your animal further ​and to start working with them, as well as showing you the Trust ​Technique in person.

The consultation will be tailored specifically to the animal and ​yourself. If your animal is nervous, the demonstration will be ​carried out at a suitable distance so that they feel safe.

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An important part of the session is for me to teach you the Trust ​Technique and how to work with your animal at their pace.

Together, we will create a customised plan for the next steps, ​which will include how you can continue to practice with your ​animal.

The consultation sets the foundation and introduces you and ​your animal to what the Trust Technique is and allows you to ​start practicing with them.

At the end of the session, we will arrange a convenient time for a ​follow up call. At any time before or after this, should you have ​further questions or need guidance, I’m happy for you to ​contact me as I will be there to support you.

In most cases, follow up sessions are required where I guide you ​further to really progress with the focus on specific scenarios to ​help you achieve your goals so your animal can be calm and ​happy whatever the situation.

However, if you prefer, I can work with your animal during these ​sessions.

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Client Comments

"Bertie loved Lou ​and was instantly ​calm with her. Her ​advice and ​guidance has been ​invaluable and ​Bertie has made ​great progress."

A Gilbert

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Specialist Areas

I specialise in the following:

  • Dogs

- Nervous dogs

- Reactivity

- Separation anxiety

- Foreign rescue dogs

- Enhancing connection

  • Horses

- Handling issues

- Nervous horses

- Enhancing connection

- Riding issues,

(e.g; spooking and mounting)

- Separation anxiety

Animals I work with

My biggest affinity has always been with Equines and ​Canines, but I am happy to work with any animal.

  • Dogs
  • Horses
  • Farm animals
  • Cats
  • Small animals
  • Birds
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Areas I can help with

  • Behaviour issues
  • Enhancing connection
  • Handling issues
  • Socialisation
  • End of life support
  • Support for physical issues,

including skin issues and pain

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Client Comments

"Lou has fantastic ​communication skills and ​all the time in the world!

In the consultation she ​explained everything most ​concisely, calmly and with ​great articulation.

During the session I felt a ​kind of peace and ​tranquility come over me. ​I'd like to think that ​everyone would be open to ​learning this technique".

S Chappell

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07879 491864

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Client Comments

"After Lou's explanation ​and the exercise we did, I ​had a completely different ​understanding of how Hugo ​is distracted by outside ​occurrences. Lou has ​supported me since the ​session and Hugo's ​behaviour towards people ​at the door has already ​changed dramatically".

J Chadwick

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Mission Statement

"ZenDeLou is dedicated to bringing peace and ​understanding between animals and their human ​companions.

My mission is to empower people to create deeper ​connections with their furry friends, and teach them ​how to use this to achieve a happier and more ​peaceful life.

Through the gentle and empathetic approach of the ​Trust Technique, I help individuals alleviate anxiety ​and over-excitement in their animals, creating an ​environment where both can be calm, happy and ​peaceful.

By spreading awareness of this amazing and gentle ​technique, I aim to transform perceptions and ​inspire a greater appreciation for the unique ​personalities and needs of every animal."

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Lou - Owner & Founder, ZenDeLou

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Privacy Policy

ZenDeLou takes your privacy seriously. We are committed to data security and the fair and transparent processing of your personal data. Our Privacy ​Policy sets out how your personal data which you provide to us in compliance with applicable data protection law, in particular, the General Data ​Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), will be treated.

This website does not use cookies or gather any data. You can view or download a copy of the policy from here. Alternatively if you prefer, a copy of ​our Privacy Policy can either be emailed to you or a paper copy given on request, when you provide us with your personal data.

The policy covers the following:

  • What personal data we collect and how we store it
  • Information we collect about you
  • How the law applies to use of personal information
  • How we may use your personal information
  • Consent
  • Legitimate interests
  • Legal Obligation
  • How long we will keep your personal data
  • Where we store your personal data and how it is protected
  • Changes to your data
  • Use of Cookies
  • Your rights
  • Changes to our Policy
  • Contact
  • Complaints

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy or how we use your personal data, please email zendelou@outlook.com

The name ZenDeLou is a registered trademark